Drama & Theatre
Twice each term of the academic year, Drama & Theatre brings you practical strategies, lesson plans, and inspiration to enhance your teaching. News keeps you up to date with developments in the theatre world; reviews help you to plan theatre visits, discover new resources or stock up your library; CPD and workshop listings let you know where and when training is taking place anywhere in the country; the Plays section looks in depth at plays for performance and study; and features covering primary drama, backstage and technical training, performing arts and more explore inspirational drama education initiatives all over the UK and internationally. Every issue includes one-page plans for drama games, strategies and individual workshops, covering all aspects of theatre education – from Brecht to lighting design – as well as six Schemes of Work tailored by Key Stage: ready-made lesson plans for several weeks of work with your students. Whether you teach in a school context at primary or secondary level, lead extra-curricular drama workshops, or give private tuition, D&T is an invaluable resource written for teachers by teachers, playwrights and practitioners.
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